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网友讨论:从洛杉矶地区到拉斯维加斯的高铁即将成为现实 视焦点讯

来源:观察网 2023-03-23 23:06:38





Andrew Benson

I rode trains all across Europe and it"s amazing! Super fast, efficient, no arriving 2 hrs early like the airport, security was chill. It"s so much less stressful than flying. We need more of this in America. Life without a car is so freeing you don’t have to be sitting in traffic all the time.


C10wiremantaw Wallace

Do you know that the California High Speed Rail project is now celebrating its 24th anniversary this year? Have you ever heard of a Money Pit scam project? It was first pledged to go from Los Angeles to Sacramento & the Federal Government loan to California was 2.5 billion dollars on a projected cost of 6.8 billion in 1998. That 2.5 billion was spent a long time ago & there is nothing to show for it.


Darth maul

@C10wiremantaw Wallace sigh. Construction only started in 2015 and brightline west has been in the planning stage for decades

@C10wiremantaw Wallace 哎,2015年才开始施工,而brightline西线已经规划了几十年了。


@C10wiremantaw Wallace Brightline already operates higher speed rail lines in Florida.

@C10wiremantaw Wallace Brightline已经在佛罗里达州运营更高速度的铁路线了。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


I use to bullet train In France all the time when I go visit my grandparents. the airport if north of France and there house is south, by car its 5 hours. with train I get there in 1 hour 45 minutes or less


The Truth

We need this across America.


Tyra AngeLita

Japan and some European nations have nearly perfected their train systems and routes. It’s about time we catch up, even though we are decades behind


Just Resting

Brightline maxes out at 110 mph. Meanwhile in Africa the Al Boraq line travels at 199mph. When did Morocco become more advanced that America? Oh yeah 2018。

Brightline的最高速度为110英里/小时。于此同时,非洲的Al Boraq线的运行速度则为199英里/小时。摩洛哥什么时候变得比美国更先进了?哦,是的,在2018年。


@Just Resting 125 mph in Florida and 180 mph in California and Nevada. California aims for 220 mph on dedicated sections for their statewide system.No shade at Morocco, but it‘s a semi-constitutional monarchy, which makes construction a bit easier. Construction is also easier in smaller countries.


Adam K.

We need to build High speed rail all across North America, wether that be, California HSR, Brightline or other such projects. We need to move past car dependence and work towards building an expansive, interconnected rail network. Good to see progress on this.



Exactly absolutely there is no reason that there shouldn"t be high speed rail on either Coast or across the Midwest. On the East Coast it is utterly insane that the Acela does not have its own grade-separated high-speed rated rails and instead has to run primarily on freight trails.



@A-Human-Interface The Acela runs entirely on Amtrak owned tracks, except for the section between NYC and New Haven, which is owned by Metro-North, the commuter rail system. To Amtrak"s credit, they"ve done a lot of work to improve speeds and reliability on this track - they just finished upgrading some of the straightest track in NJ to 160mph, and have similar plans to speed up track between Baltimore and DC.

The biggest problem is that Amtrak"s proposals to upgrade the entire corridor to true HSR, with world class 200mph+ speeds, are supposed to cost upwards of $200 billion, which is an insanely inflated sum when compared to how much similar projects like the French, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, or Japanese bullet trains cost.

@A-Human-Interface 除了纽约市和纽黑文之间的路段由通勤铁路系统Metro-North拥有外,阿西乐特快完全在Amtrak拥有的轨道上运行。值得称赞的是,美铁已经做了很多工作来提高这条线路的速度和可靠性--他们刚刚完成了对新泽西州一些最直的轨道的升级改造,达到了160英里/小时,并且他们还有类似的计划去加速巴尔的摩和华盛顿之间的轨道。



We just need one functional HSR in a popular route to show the rest of the nation that this is the future of transportation. I’m convinced that this project is the one that’ll do the convincing.


Adam K.

@Joshua Absolutely. Once more people realize the convenience and effectiveness of High speed rail, and experience it firsthand, it will almost certainly become much more popular and proposals to add other lines will be more convincing.

@Joshua 所言极是。一旦更多的人意识到高铁的便利性和有效性,并亲身体验,它几乎肯定会变得更受欢迎,增加更多线路的建议也将会更有说服力。

David Shaw

Would create amazing job opportunities for men without college degrees.


Jot Singh

Yeah, and make sure that NO American urban planers are involved. They are clueless.


CCentral Channel

Brightline has been VERY reliable when it comes to getting things done on time, when they start construction, this will be the day of the rail revolution!



Finally! This should have been built 30 years ago!

终于来了! 美国第一条高铁本该在30年前就建好了!

Nikolai Stoykov

Should’ve been built 50 years ago, but better late than never.


Ma J"y

Right, but "better late than never", as the saying goes. At least, high speed rail is gaining momentum in the USA, with the imminent extension of Brightline Florida to Orlando, the (also imminent) launch of the Avelia in the NE Corridor, the upcoming creation of the Texas Central line and this fresh Brightline West project that"s about to take off. I"m optimistic for our American friends.



Brightline is likely to extend service from the current Miami-West Palm Beach to Orlando International Airport, using some new track and a lot of upgraded old track, in June. Brightline is facing a problem with its Florida East Coast tracks that pass through the southeast Florida urban area, with lots of grade crossings. Locals seem determined to drive around gates or otherwise be on the tracks, resulting in the nation"s highest fatality rate. New crossing safety features are being installed, but the trains might be demoted from 70-80 mph in those areas to something much slower.


The Siemens factory was to have been in Florida, but then-governor Rick Scott terminated an ambitious true high speed rail project.



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